Inbound Logistics Warehouse

Why eat up your valuable manufacturing floor space with raw materials, packaging supplies and trash? Kanban can establish a manufacturing warehouse close to your plant, where we receive, store and prepare goods for JIT delivery. Inventory is managed on our full-featured warehouse management system, which allows suppliers to manage their inventory.

Manufacturing Warehouse: Aerospace case study

For a major aerospace manufacturer, Kanban builds kits that are delivered each morning to support that day’s production schedule. Productivity improves dramatically on the factory floor since workers avoid picking, pulling and de-trashing of parts. Read the full case.

Benefits of a Kanban-operated manufacturing warehouse

  • Free up space in your plant
  • Provide suppliers with cost-effective storage space close to a key customer
  • Minimize inventory investments
  • Reduce risk by having inventory available at a moment’s notice
  • Avoid delays due to stock outs
  • Save money by leveraging lower-cost logistics warehouse space and labor